As in every recipes for rice soup, having a good broth or stock is the key to making the rice good. It would not make sense to spend the money on a good lobster and then use tetrabrik broth or water with a concentrated flavor tablet. That is why we are going to make a good fish broth -I made it with shrimps shells and fish bones- as a base.
To make the sofrito -which is the second key to this and to all soupy rice dishes-, we chop the tomato, peppers and garlic well and poach them for ten minutes over medium heat. Meanwhile, we open the lobster and put the head with the sauce.
We add the rice, mixing well with the sauce and giving it some time to become pearly and then add the broth, -which will be four times the volume of the rice that we are going to use-. Test the salt. The broth has to be salty as the rice will take all the flavor from the broth. Let it cook for about 11 minutes (if bomba rice, 15 if other rice grain), first 5-7 minutes over high heat and then lower heat.
At that moment, we add the lobster claws to which we will have given a few strokes with the mortar so that it is then easy to eat and the lobster tail, letting everything cook for 2-3 more minutes. Then, we cover the casserole and let it rest for 4 or 5 minutes and serve by lightly sprinkling with finely chopped parsley.