Authentic Spanish Food From Spain

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La Croqueteria by jamones sin fronteras

👨‍🍳 Made with Love

100% artisan croquettes, crafted with the finest quality ingredients

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Fall Flavors

Fall Colection

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Considerate presents for refined preferences

Coorporate Gifting

Find something special for every occasion!

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Our Cheeses

The most famous cheeses from Spain

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Holiday Classic

Indulge in the sweet magic of the season with our holiday treats.

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Free Shipping all Bone-in Hams or Shoulders



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Spanish Gourmet Products


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Flat Rate Ground Shipping all orders above $125


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Experience Spain in Every Bite


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Only real spanish food

We visit Spain very often looking for the right products to be brought into US. Ask us about your products.

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Catering Events

Level up your parties and events. Give them a real Spanish touch. Tapas, Charcuterie trays, Paella, Croquettes and much more.

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Getting Married?

Surprise your guests with a Acorn Fed Ham carving service and enjoy the flavor of a ham sliced in the right way.

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Nice packing and labeling. Flavor is intense and not too much spicy. I’d say this is the perfect pairing for a cabernet sauvignon or a merlot.

[/testimonial] [/col_inner] [col_inner span=”4″ span__sm=”12″] [testimonial image=”3833″ name=”Maria”]

Really good Fermin Iberico Chorizo. Not very spicy

[/testimonial] [/col_inner] [col_inner span=”4″ span__sm=”12″] [testimonial image=”3833″ name=”Thomas” company=”C.”]

Iberico cheese is very good, I served it at a dinner party. My guests absolutely enjoyed it.

[/testimonial] [/col_inner] [/row_inner] [row_inner] [col_inner span=”4″ span__sm=”12″] [testimonial image=”3833″ name=”John” company=”Barberia”]

This is my 3rd 100% Iberico shoulder purchased from JSF and the good quality has been consistent. The included Fedex delivery is also a plus. I honestly recommend it 100% to Iberico lovers or the Spaniard’s diaspora living in the US and craving “jamon”.

[/testimonial] [/col_inner] [col_inner span=”4″ span__sm=”12″] [testimonial image=”3833″ name=”John” company=”Miller”]

Having grown up in Spain and loving the Spanish cuisine I have to say that the Jamon is absolutely delicious, excellent quality. Also I recommend the should (paleta) vs hams, is juicier than hams.

[/testimonial] [/col_inner] [col_inner span=”4″ span__sm=”12″] [testimonial image=”3833″ name=”Ruben” company=”Recio”]

Delicious paleta, shipping and delivery were fast, very satisfied with my purchase.

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